Tag: goals

Episode #43: The Magic Of The Fourth Stripe

Captain Mark Hardcastle returns to The FemiNinja Project to share his insights of the magic of the fourth stripe, including how to be the captain of your own life. He describes how we can steer the direction of our life by how we choose to engage in it and how we interact with other people. Mark explains that we are all in a position in life to touch each other in a positive way through very simple gestures of kindness. Mark also shares the secrets to conquering our fears, exercising our courage muscle, and how each one of our lives are extraordinary. He concludes with a dark and stormy night, but we will save that story for another time. Download this episode for uplifting and motivating information, and learn how to release the magic of your own fourth stripe. Listen to Mark’s previous...

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How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way. Or, more specifically, out of your mind. As someone who has been out of my mind more often than I care to admit, I understand how sometimes your mind can mess with your head. And your goals. And especially your dreams. One of the things I learned as a brand new martial arts student was how to get out of the way of an attack. And I was really, really good at it. My technique of choice was to cover my head with my gi top and run off the mat screaming, “Don’t touch me!” Ah, yes. Those were the good old days. Eventually I was able to get out of my head and into my body to stay engaged with my attacker and gracefully step out of the way. Soon after that, I was able to step back into my attacker and take him down. It was a slow...

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Episode #29: Living Your Dream

Meet Janet Langmeier, a woman who knows how to dream, and dream big! She is an Actualization Mentor, founder of All Out Coaching, and co-founder of the dynamic new networking group Rising Tide. Janet helps people of all ages and walks of life focus on their dreams rather than chasing after goals. As a teacher, trainer, coach, and mentor Janet has helped hundreds of people successfully transform their lives, including their careers, education, relationships, spirituality, body image, health, and even weight loss. Janet shares some of her philosophy and techniques to help her clients live their avowed dreams. The possibilities are endless! http://janetlangmeier.com/index.html http://www.risingtidebusinessnetwork.com/index.html https://www.facebook.com/alloutcoaching https://www.facebook.c...

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Simple Steps to a Happy New Year

Here we are at the beginning of another New Year. I find it hard to believe it’s 2019. Where did the time go? Along with the excitement of a shiny New Year comes the resolve of self-improvement through (ack) New Year’s Resolutions. I personally dislike New Year’s Resolutions because I believe they set us up for failure. And disappointment. Statistics reveal that most people give up in less than 2 weeks! That’s a terrible way to start a New Year, by feeling like you’ve already failed. I have another idea. Each and every day is a new start, and an opportunity for self-reflection and self-improvement. Or not. After all, life is full of hits and unexpected challenges that can undermine even our best intentions and throw us off track. It’s important to remember...

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No You Can’t–Or Yes You Can

Have you ever wanted to try something new, or do something different and exciting, and were told, “No, you can’t?” Perhaps it was pursuing a dream, achieving a goal, or changing a career, and were told, “No, you can’t?” I was born and raised in a small steel town in Western Pennsylvania, which is why I live in Denver. Nah….I’m just joking. More or less. My hometown was a great place to grow up, especially when I was a kid. We were all living the American Dream, and it was wonderful. However, I wanted more out of life than what my town had to offer. I always wondered what it would be like to get out on my own, see the world, and make a life for myself away from the safety net of family and everything that was familiar to me. During my senior year in college I decided to do just...

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