There’s a new class at Colorado Free University!

Swiss Ball for Strength & Stamina

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Do you have a Swiss ball rolling around your house that you hardly use? This quick and fun one-session class will introduce you to a variety of easy, strength building exercise that you can do in just a few minutes a day. Build your core, balance, and muscle strength while sitting, bouncing, and using weights in creative ways on your ball. Even 5-10 minutes a day can make a big difference in your overall fitness. Take home handouts with descriptions of exercises so you can repeat them easily at home. Cheryl Ilov is licensed physical therapist, Pilates instructor, and certified Feldenkrais practitioner. She specializes in therapeutic exercise and has been teaching clients of all ages how to improve their strength, fitness, and flexibility for the past 18 years.

Dates:April 12, 2014 Check for other dates
Meets:One Sat., 10-11:30AM 04/12
Location:S. E. DENVER: I-25 & Colorado Blvd.
You could save $12.00 on this course by becoming a member of CFU Membership
Notes:Bring a Swiss ball, properly inflated. Bring 2-5 pound hand weights if you have them.